We offer a professional CV service that enhances and increases your chances of impressing any employer in Ireland and abroad. You can order Online today, or if you have any questions in regards to your CV or interview, then call me 7 days a week on the number above. I am here to help you find work. I am here to improve your chances of getting in front of the decision-maker, so you can sell yourself and all you have to offer.The Irish Jobs Market
It is quite evident that the economy is picking up. It is also evident that the Jobs market has changed. The way people are hired is almost exclusively down to what they can communicate and present on their CV. If your CV is self-written, or you are unsure about what content to put on it, then chances are you CV is falling WAY BELOW the acceptable standard for many companies, especially large companies that have a dedicated HR Department.
Order a professional CV today, or call me now with any questions you may have regarding your CV or your career. I am here to help you find the job you want. I have recently completed new professionally written CV’s for those looking for work in Belcamp, Balgrifin, Clonshaugh, Priorswood, Darndale and Riverside.
Remember, they are probably getting 50 CV’s or more for each position advertised(sometimes it is 100’s). Do you want your CV to get lost? Will it stand out? Will it jump off the desk and scream “HIRE ME!!”. If you wrote it yourself, then the chances are it will be a big FAIL.